Saturday, November 17, 2012

Introducing the Master of Disaster!

Someone once said "From small beginnings come great things". As this blog is a new beginning for my writing dream, I feel the need (not for speed) to talk to about the mastermind behind this project. 

The year 2005 was an important year. It was the year when I got my first job an moved to the fahrenheit city- Mumbai. With Mumbai came the glamor of bollywood and like all Indians, I have grown up watching hindi movies and I had (until I met him) a firm belief that the only people who abbreviated there names were mafia kingpins, drug dealers and/or smugglers  (cue KK, TK, PK) and this person can be accused of a lot of things but being a bad guy is not one of them. I am talking about of course AJ. He, like me is an erstwhile tech mighty and a tech mate contributor. We both started our careers together- in the wide and enchating CRM world of Siebel. Whereas I have moved away from all things Siebel 6.0 (for good I'd say), he is still going great guns and has moved up the ladder and now plays with Siebel 9 or is it 10 now at CapGem. Tech M and writing are not the only things AJ and I have in common. Not many people know that AJ and I share the same birth date (although born 4 years apart- AJ born before me :D)... But we could not have been more unlike and belonging to different genders is not the only difference.

Most people know him as a movie buff/ reviewer, one of the gazillion ManU sheep err follower and a joker/batman fan club member. I dont want to talk about how well AJ can write because most of you already know this. What you may not know is that behind the jolly and laughing facade that AJ puts up in public, is a very profound thinker. His editorials are very well thought out and deal with a wide variety of topics. He is also a great son, friend and I think a-better-than-most husband (Shravas to confirm). There are a very few people who can have a good laugh about themselves- AJ is a member of this exclusive club.  However like all mortals, AJ has his foibles. He is infuriatingly self deprecating and needs constant reassurances about his capabilities. He is grown up enough to know better but still young enough to believe he can get away with anything. 

His dearest dream at one time was to write a movie script- something as good as the Dark Knight (no surprises there). I am sure he can do it... all he needs is a lot of self belief and the will to just do it. On the eve of our birthday, a few words of wisdom- there will be good days and there will be bad days, some days you will be the dog and some day the hydrant. Dont let these things bring you down. Take everyday as a new beginning and make it the best damn day of your life. 

Here's wishing you- a very Happy Birthday... Happy Blogging...!!!

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