Wednesday, October 9, 2013

3 Decades of Existence!

Completing a decade of life is always a fun time. Be it turning 10, 20 or 30. In just under 2 months, I would be completing 30 years of existence on planet earth. Turning 30 marks a milestone in my life- opening up new avenues, I will always remember the nonsense things which I used to do in the last decade – stuff which I would never dare do now and the even more crazier shit that I used to do (by my standards) the decade before that. 

As much as I would like to tell you the experiences of my very 1st decade, I think it would arouse an “awhhh” response rather than a “shit” crazy response that I desire. Suffice to say, I did a lot of eating, pooping and sleeping and repeating the whole cycle day in and day out. I will however stick to the last 2 decades of my life- they are more exciting than when I was a baby

Well, in my 1st decade (read as age from 11-20), I did what any other self- respecting Indian boy would do - I learnt to swear!! Although this might not actually be my proud achievement but let me tell you one thing – till the time I was 15, I didn’t actually know what meant what. In fact, I was so naïve that I always use to mix up different swears…sometimes things won’t just make sense!! While my friends were at their creative best (playing DJs with swear words) during this time, I chose to become a Gandhian and started to avoid swearing. 

[Note to school friends- Now my school friends, you know why I didn’t swear! ]

Another important milestone during this decade was to being aware of girls. Trust me; I didn’t want to get a late start in this race. The market was buzzing by the time I became into my own. My self-awareness was like skynet – delayed but inevitable. Where there is kiddy love, there is heartbreak and so I learnt it the hard way when I saw my 1st rejection. It which came just after 6 months of being self-aware! Well, I don’t blame the girl who did reject me especially since my pickup line was “Will you play hops and bets with me?” This was during the time studs were finding their way to the gym. And here I was - like Paul Newman in a Arnold Schwarzenegger era! 

To say that I was a rebellious teenager would not be completely wrong. I did a lot of crazy things – breaking my school window but not getting caught, taking my cycle out for the very 1st spin just to fall into a a bush only to find out that there were thorns in it, buying a white t-shirt with a Titanic photo (who didn’t have that t-shirt???) and deciding that one day I will be a WWF Champion!! 

The age wasn’t the only thing that changed. Thing changed and rapidly. Almost overnight  words like “responsibility”, “accountability”, “adulthood”, “Future” started to be used more and more in conversation not just with family but even friends. What bigger indication of change than this – a “vada pav” which used to cost just 3 rupees was now costing 6 rupees! Life indeed was changing at a fast pace. I had to move from 8 Re food in school canteen to 20 Re meals in college canteen.

Yes, I started eating a lot. I think my taste buds evolved towards the end of the previous decade giving me the superhuman ability to gobble up lots of food. You just had to be there to believe it! Anyways, I was doing my engineering which anyone who has been through will testify is a tough life- food was my salvation and bunking lectures; copying assignments and watching movies became the order of life. As the years passed- attending lectures, submitting assignments, I realized I had turned into a top quality nerd who studied for marks and good grades! Just thinking about that time puts a smile on my face and I am left wondering- “me a nerd?” As I type, it seems hard for me to believe that it was indeed the absolute truth.

Apart from being the source of assignments for my friends, I found a band of them with whom I spent some of the most glorious moments of this decade. I vividly remember the long nonsensical chats about life, career, and those hookah loaded shenanigans and those couple jokes galore. These are amongst the finest hours of my life. These friendships have withstood the test of time and have been with me as I transitioned from a college kid into a bona fide employee.

“This is it” I thought to myself when I stepped through the door of my new company (late by a day). I was filled with hopes and dreams to be the next Bill gates. Also, I had to do something about this single situation that I had gone through for the past few years and office romance seemed like the perfect solution. So there I was, focusing on quantity rather than quality – behaving like a cat in a fish market! In office, people tend to fight over issues, circumstances and how to avoid them. I guess a bunch of us were the only few ones who actually fought over who should talk to which girl!

Office was the 1st time I realized that there are people north of Mumbai and South of Mumbai. My 1st real culture shock came in this decade when friends from the south abused me and my friends in their regional language. Fun times indeed! But I never deviated from my one true goal – finding my soul mate. I did find her at a place I would least expect it. Fact remains that I am glad that I looked in that corner rather than looking at the most obvious place. Right now, as I type this article sitting beside her, I feel that she was indeed the catch of the decade!!

Working in a corporate culture started to play with my principles and I changed jobs to find peace. However it turns I have become another cog in the big machinery. I have started to call “Problems” as “issues”, genuine thanks have became a sometimes sarcastic “Many Thanks”, spending hours in office has taken precedence over spending it at home with family and working together became a culinary fest! During the course of my “professional life”, I met a lot of people who helped me professionally. Some of these ties continued well beyond companies. Some were meant to be strictly professional ones and became just that. Fun has always been there but the spark, the twinkle is missing. 

As this decade draws to a close, if I were to meet the person who started this decade; I might not recognize him. Not because that person was not as ballooned up as I am now, lost hair and facial hair, but because that person represents the life when I was carefree and didn’t have to worry about professional development etc. The biggest worry was when is the next assignment due and if Sachin will make a century or not. As much as I know that person has gone and gone for good; I can’t help but cherish him in the deepest recesses of my mind and heart. I am really happy that my twenties have panned out the way they have. I found the love of my life, a big bunch of nice friends and some really close enemies. I have a lot to thank for. This decade has set the bar high for the next one. I just hope that when I sit down to write about the 4th decade of my life, I run out of places and run out of smilies to draw on! – looking forward to the naughty 40s :)

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