Monday, September 30, 2013

Turning 30

Mark Twain has said "Age is an issue of Mind over Matter. If you don't Mind it doesn't Matter".

Having recently graduated to the 30+ club, I have begun to see the wisdom of these words. As time goes by the number that denotes our age is not the only thing that increases. Every passing day brings in focus an increase in the number of lines, grey hair, baldness, weight. The body parts that were once perky and proud start succumbing to gravity. The hangovers are longer and more painful to recover from. The ideal weekend is one that is spent relaxing- watching TV or reading a book. Night outs are less frequent and when you do go out, it is usually to quite place where conversation and enjoying food and good company takes precedence over loud music and binge drinking. the number 30 separates the men from the boys, the girls from the ladies. In other words when you cross 30, you are no longer a kid. You are a grown up- expected to do grown up things like settling down and taking up more responsibility.

Recently at a mate's 30th, someone shared this piece of wisdom-
"When you are born, you don't know what the hell is happening
when you are in your teens, your parents tell you what the hell is happening
When you are in your twenties, you think you know everything thats happening
when you are in your fifties, you rely on people around you to tell you what the hell is happening
Its in your thirties that you begin to realise and accept that you don't really know or need to know what the hell is happening."

There are so many things that change- but it doesn't happen overnight although the realisation does come suddenly as a tidal wave- drenching you and leaving you soaking wet- with fear (of not having accomplished everything that you had set out to accomplish a decade ago) and relief (of knowing who you are and being comfortable in your own skin). When I turned 30, I was mildly depressed weeks leading up to it. I kept thinking of all the things that I wanted to finish by the time I turned 30 and I hadn't. But the day came and it went and I realised that being 30 is no different from being 29 or 19 or 9. I was happy knowing and acknowledging that although I had not conquered the professional world but I had done my best, learned a lot and made life long friends on the way. I also know now that it is not important to tick all the boxes. I want to enjoy my life, I want to experience new things. As they say the journey is the most important part of reaching your destination.  

So here I am sharing a few ways in which I have evolved over the last few years. 

1. I have realised that a successful career is not the be all and end all of the world. I still do my best at work and don't do a half-assed job. But I know that my health- physical and mental is important for me to be a better person. As soon as I clock off, work is out of my mind. I try to go home and have a nice evening relaxing with my better half. Taking work home, not worth the hassle.
2. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In my 20's I seldom had breakfast. But now I have realised the importance of having breakfast that is healthy and filling. It sets a tone for the rest of my day. As much as I love coffee, I stick to one cup in the morning, followed by cereal or wholemeal toast- yum.
3. While we are still on the topic of food, my tastes have evolved. Although I haven't completely become a food snob, I do enjoy fine dining and I don't mind spending money on the experience. Also, big change in eating habits- Olive Oil is not a luxury anymore. I love drizzling it on salads, breads and soups. It is healthy and makes an OK dish taste delicious. Jamie Oliver is God for getting easy, interesting and delicious home cooking.
4. I have realised that friends are much more than just the people I hung out with. The friends I am still in touch with are the ones who have similar interests as I do. Reading books, watching movies, listening music etc. Since I was never a very out going person, I have always found people who are like me but of late- even more so. Opposites attracts but likes adhere. All my friendship that have endured the test of time have been with people who are a lot like I am. I may have a lot of "FB friends" but there are a few who are friends in real life too. I don't have to like their posts and photos. I dont even have to talk to them every day. But I know I can count on them when I need them the most.
5. You like to spend some thought and money on your clothes. Ripped jeans, thongs, hot pants are no longer your chosen Friday or weekend attire. Money and time is spent before going out of the house- to work or beach or party.
6. Long term relationships and thoughts of settling down are on your mind when interacting with people of opposite sex. Casual flirtation does not have the same charm anymore. Thirty is the time when people are more open to making long term commitments whereas the twenties are spent finding "THE ONE". Physical beauty takes a back seat and its the emotional intelligence that is more attractive.
7. You start thinking of buying property. Renting which was the best option in your 20s doesn't appeal to you any more. You start looking at the houses and apartments for sale in the suburbs- away from the hustle bustle and madness of the city. After I got married, we were very happy renting. However, now I do want to own a house- even though it means a hello big mortgage, hard work bye bye holidays and dream to own a V8 car.
8. The best part of growing up- doesn't matter whether you are in your 30s or 40s or 50s is you get to say cool things like- "Back in my days..". I used to get so annoyed when people started telling about how great things were- back in their days. Now I get to say that- every time. Back In my days- music was so much better. Back in my days, we didn't have Facebook or you tube or Wikipedia. Back in my days we walked 10 miles to get to our school- no cars. Aah the joys of annoying "younger" people.

So don't be sad as you come to the end of another decade. Just remember the end of one decade is also the beginning of a new one. Embrace the beauty and wisdom that comes with age. After all as they say age is just that- a number.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

That Obnoxious Person in Office whom you don’t know!

Ever wondered how a relatively unknown person, someone whom you see often but aren’t really acquainted to, can tick you off the moment you lay your eyes on him? Well, if you say no then you know you are lying! I bet everyone, yes, everyone has a guy/girl aka bunny who just gets their blood burning at the mere sight of. That individual is usually the obnoxious person in office whom you don’t know!

Don’t get me wrong. I am really a fun loving guy. But I have this buddy in my office whom I just want to bash up real bad with his “wide screen” PC! I realized that I had a buddy suddenly when on a hot summer day, I walked into office pretty much on time. After connecting my laptop and letting it to boot and download my day’s literature, I went off to get some morning coffee with biscuits. In the pantry (also called Breakout area for some reason), I saw another person – just the 2 of us at that time present over there. He was short (about 5 feet 3 maybe), must have had a cigarette in the morning as the aroma was still with him in spirit. To make matters worse, he must have gobbled around 4-5 mints or something – either that or he must have bathed in peppermint soaked water. The blend of cigarette, mint and coffee was so intoxicating that a dead person might rise up from the grave, give this guy a wedgie, throw him in a pool or pond and then go back to being dead in peace!!

Anyways, in the “breakout” area, the guy was continuously pressing the coffee machine button trying to get all types of coffee options poured into one. I swear that I saw him dip a tea bag into the cup which was 3/4th filled with coffee!! After the combined flavor, he turned around, smiled at me showing his teeth – as yellow as if each of his teeth is a jaundice patient, and left. It was that hot summer morning, at 9:15 am that I identified this jackass as my “Obnoxious Buddy” (OB)!

Karma is a bitch. I am a firm believer in this. And this belief gets reaffirmed when during your worst moods; you look and see your OB. Like the other day, I just was feeling very sleepy but I had to stay lively and BAMMMM – I saw my OB yawning and telling his friends “Aaj mai halfday pe ghar jaa raha hu” (I am going home on a half day). By the time he left my sight, I was groaning.

One day my OB really did something which got me laughing my ass off as well as angry as hell! In the restroom, while I was washing my hands and face, I could see him in the mirror standing behind me with his hair all dyed with Henna! Now he had an orange colored mane!! Plus he had applied copious amount of gel to make his hair all spiky. To top it all off, he was wearing oversized spectacles, thus giving him a pathetically bash-able look! Icing on the cake he smiled the fabled yellowed teeth smile!!!

What baffles me is that once you have identified your very own OB, you will start noticing them more and more often! They will be around you when you least expect them- annoying the crap out of you. It’s unreal to get that kind of consistency. It is as if an invisible force keeps on drawing that individual to do the actions that you so very much detest. They will make your good day bad and bad day worse. MY OB annoys the hell out of me by just showing up in the “breakout area” or for work.  You may say that it is just coincidence that our coffee timings match, believe me when I say this – I tried changing coffee time and that person still follows me in the “breakout” area!

OBs are omniscient. Most of the times they are someone whom you have seen but not interacted with. They always turn up in front of you to irritate you, frustrate you or downright amuse you.

 So, who is your OB? What does he/she do?